We discovered an easy way to implement, for appliance manufacturers, a method to make what we call No Burn Ovens™ . Whether it’s an original recipe from a cookbook, from the internet, purchased foods or even baked goods – chilled or frozen – only one setting is needed. The baked goods will be baked perfectly. The food will be cooked….perfectly. Fresh, chilled or frozen, the No Burn Ovens™ doesn’t need to know. The instructions are easy to follow for both the manufacturer and the user.
No Burn Ovens™ to the rescue! Homecooks are busy today. No more 50’s style housewives with nothing else to do but cook amazing meals for their hard-working husbands and adorable children. Cooks these days are busy, multifaceted people. Working moms and dads, full-time parents, full-time caregivers, students, roommates – you name it. They are doing 27 things are once and the food in the oven is easily forgotten with the other 26 things on their plate. Forget the low volume timer reminding them when they are off in the far reaches of the house. What they need is the No Burn Ovens™ technology.
The phrase From Frozen to Finished is not just words to us. It isn’t just a snazzy saying, it’s the truth. No more burned food for our busy cooks and the hungry mouths they are feeding.